Terms & Conditions

I agree that my personal data may be recorded in the database of Ardeo Search Limited (the “Company”), with its registered office at 70 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 2QZ, Scotland, and may be processed by the Company and its affiliates (together the “Companies”) for the purposes of providing recruitment services as detailed in the Companies’ foundation documents in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2003 (‘The Acts’) and the Data Protection Act 1998 on the protection of personal data. I acknowledge that my personal data is voluntarily disclosed and that I am authorised to access and amend it at all times. I further agree that the Companies may process my personal data for marketing and statistical purposes. I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of use, Privacy GDPR Policy and consent to receiving information from the Companies.



Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. Upon completion of the registration process, The Company and Companies grant you full access to www.ardeosearch.com (the “Website”) and affiliate Websites (together the “Websites”) in order to assist you with your recruitment process and with any other specialist services that the Companies may provide which you choose to avail of. Please note should you choose not to register, thereby granting you limited access, these Terms and Conditions apply to you in full. Also please note that these Terms and Conditions may be updated from time to time, and you will have been deemed to accept these changes the next time you log in.

Username and Password Security and Use

In order to register on the Website, you will need to create a username and password which you will subsequently need to use when logging in. You are solely responsible for their use and protection and the Company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for unauthorised or improper use or their disclosure. If you believe that your username and/or password have been compromised in any way, please use the appropriate link within the Website to reset.

Rules Governing the Use Of Websites

The Website(s) may not be used to post any material that; Is to the best of your knowledge false, inaccurate, or otherwise misleading. Breaches copyright or the intellectual property rights of any third party. Is abusive, threatening, obscene or may otherwise be reasonably interpreted as offensive to the Companies or third parties. May be deemed to be libellous in relevant jurisdictions. May incite violence or other criminal actions or give rise to civil liability. Infects the Website(s) with viruses, malware, bloatware, or any other type of software that interferes with the effective operation of the Website(s) or alters the content therein other than as authorised under these Terms and Conditions. Requires a license or other formal approval to be posted where such approval has not been obtained. The Company has the sole right to decide whether posted material is in compliance with the above rules and if it is deemed that such material is not compliant, may without prior notice prevent you from further use of the Website(s) or deregister you from the Website(s) and may delete any non-compliant material. There is no obligation on the Company to provide any explanation for such actions. Where required by law, the Company or Companies shall cooperate fully with law enforcement and other authorities in disclosing or helping to identify any individual who is in breach of these rules.

Intellectual Property Rights

Unless otherwise specifically stated, the copyright and intellectual property rights for all content of the Website(s) are owned by the Company, the Companies, or their licensors. You may not download or otherwise copy any of the content unless it is for your own personal use or specifically approved for downloading and you must continue to respect the applicable copyright and/or intellectual property rights. You may not attempt to modify, decipher, or otherwise tamper with any software, coding or other information contained in the Website(s).  

Availability of and Changes to the Website(s)

Every effort is made to maintain the Website(s) to ensure that they are fully operational on a 24/7 basis. However, from time to time they may be down for maintenance or overhaul purposes or due to technical problems. The Companies accept no responsibility or liability or such unavailability. Website(s), their features and/or their content may be amended, suspended, or discontinued at any time.

Links with Other Websites

To enhance the service provided on the Website(s), links to external third-party websites are provided. The Companies accept no responsibility or liability for the content of these websites and logging into these websites is entirely at your own risk. Should you wish to provide a link to any websites, please ensure that you provide advance notification by sending an email to info@ardeosearch.com.  The Companies reserve the right to deny third parties the permission to link to any of the Website(s), may withdraw existing permission without prior notice and in all cases, shall not be required to provide any explanation In order to better understand your needs and to provide a better recruitment service, aggregate statistical and other information may be gathered about visitors to the Website(s) and may be shared with selected third parties. This may include information that you have provided but no individual names or information will be disclosed. All personal data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Data Privacy Policy

The Companies are committed to ensuring that the privacy of your personal data is fully maintained and will ensure, to the best of its ability, that personal data collected from candidates is managed professionally and in full compliance with Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2003 (‘The Acts’) and the Data Protection Act 1998.To achieve this, the Companies maintain a Data Privacy Policy as detailed in this section herein. The Data Privacy Policy, as part of the Terms and Conditions, sets out the basis on which your personal data that you provide is processed and maintained. By submitting this data to the Company, candidates provide their consent to their personal data being processed in this manner and in accordance with applicable legislation. Personal data is collected in order to facilitate an effective recruitment process for candidates and clients by helping to assess your skills, experience, qualifications and suitability for both current and future vacancies that may be of interest to you.   The Company may process and use your personal data to contact you via telephone, email, or other means of communication to inform you of suitable work opportunities or to provide you with other marketing information. If you do not wish to receive direct marketing information, please contact the Company by email using the following address info@ardeosearch.com. Should a candidate be successfully placed by the Company or Companies with a client, the candidate agrees that the client may provide the Company or Companies as appropriate with details of the candidate’s remuneration for the purposes of calculating the fee due for the service provided. A candidate’s personal data may be shared with employees and/or clients of the Companies in other jurisdictions, both within and outside the European Union. In all situations, the Company shall ensure that the candidate’s personal data is full protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In the event of a purchase or sale of a business or assets, the Company may disclose your personal data to third parties who are prospective buyers or sellers of such businesses or assets. If the Company or its assets are sold to a third party, personal data will be transferred as part of the transaction. However, the Company will ensure to the best of its ability that the privacy of your personal data is maintained on an ongoing basis. Should the Company be required by the authorities in any jurisdiction and where such requirement is in compliance with legislation or other legal process, personal data may be disclosed to these authorities.   A candidate: Should inform the Company about any changes in their personal data. Is entitled to receive an update on the status or content of his or her personal data at any time. Is entitled to demand that the Company completely delete his or her personal data at any time. In order to receive an update or to request that personal data is deleted, a candidate should contact the Company by email at the following address: info@ardeosearch.com. The Company may contact candidates to ask them for updates on their personal data. Personal data is stored on secure servers that either belong to the Company or to a contracted third-party internet service provider. In the case of a sale, merger, or wind up, the Company reserves the right to transfer information including personal data to a third party provided that such third party undertakes to maintain in full the Privacy Policy and to ensure that personal data is maintained in accordance with legislative requirements. This Data Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time.


The Companies may deny you access or deregister you from the Website(s) at any time at their complete discretion and without any need for explanation.

Representations and Warranties

The Company provides no guarantee that you will be successful in finding a job or that you will be considered in any way by clients. The Company makes no representation or warranty as to the terms of employment that may offered by a client to you. The Company can provide no guarantee that clients will keep confidential any personal data of candidates that is provided to them. However, the Company will endeavour that such confidentiality is maintained. The Companies make every reasonable effort to ensure that all information contained in the Website(s) is as accurate as possible, including information on the recruitment market and salary levels. However, they give no warranties or representations in respect of such information and all such warranties and representations, whether express or implied, are excluded. No liability is accepted for any loss or damage or any nature whatsoever, including any indirect or consequential losses, that may arise as a result of any person or entity relying or using such information except for liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

Candidate Disclaimer

As a candidate, you; Agree to fully comply with the Terms and Conditions governing the use of the Companies’ Website(s). Accept the right of the Companies to suspend you or to deregister you at their complete discretion if you do not so comply. Accept that the Companies, while using best endeavours to find suitable employment for you, do not guarantee you that clients will consider you for any position, interview you, offer you an appointment or sign an employment contract with you and you waive any claims against the Companies as a result of loss or damage of any nature that you may suffer in respect of same. Accept that the Company or Companies do not provide any guarantee as to the length or terms of any employment that does result from your use of this Website or Website(s) and you waive any claims against the Companies as a result of loss or damage of any nature that you may suffer in respect of same. Agree that in order to facilitate the recruitment process on your behalf, the Company or Companies may at its or their full discretion send your details to clients and may display some or all of your details on the Website(s). Accept that the Company or Companies do not provide any guarantee that clients will keep confidential any personal data of candidates that is provided to them. Understand and accept that your current employer may have access to clients through other channels and to the Website(s) and you waive any claims against the Companies as a result of loss or damage of any nature that you may suffer in respect of same. Fully indemnify the Companies against all costs, claims, liabilities, losses, expenses, or proceedings arising from the use or misuse by you of the Website(s).​

Client Disclaimer

As a client, you; Agree to fully comply with the Terms and Conditions governing the use of the Companies’ Website(s). Accept the right of the Companies to suspend you or to deregister you at their complete discretion if you do not so comply. Agree to treat all candidate information that you receive from the Companies through the Website(s) or otherwise as strictly confidential Agree that you do not use the candidate information that you receive from the Companies through the Website(s) or otherwise solely for the purposes of finding candidates to fill positions of employment Agree not to share in any way whatsoever candidate information with a third party unless the candidate has given you clear, written consent to do so. Fully indemnify the Companies against any liability whatsoever arising from a breach of any of the above conditions on your part to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Standard Terms of Business for Clients

Where the Company or Companies introduces by any means whatsoever a candidate to a client for any type of employment or personnel service, the Standard Terms of Business apply. These Standard Terms of Business shall be provided directly to the client prior to the introduction of any candidates.


If any provisions within these Terms and Conditions are held to be legally invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.  

Governing law

This website, including these legal notices, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with Scottish law.